Friday, October 23, 2009

Bread & Milk

2 pieces of white bread
1 cup of milk

Break bread into small pieces and place in bowl. Add milk. Top with jam, sugar, honey, or brown sugar, if desired.


  1. Ha! Very funny. I would really like the recipe for Macaroni Milk Soup though. I actually liked the stuff. I was never into Bread and Milk though. Soggy bread? No thank you!

  2. I have been looking everywhere for this recipe. Thanks so much for posting it! You are the super-best!

  3. The macaroni milk soup was really simple. I think you just cook macaroni noodles according to the directions. Drain water and add milk, one stick of butter, salt and a lot of black pepper. Cook until the milk is heated through.

  4. I think my body is three-tenths macaroni milk soup....
